Versatile and adaptable

The AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module is an RS-485 recorder module, that can be accessed with any Wi-Fi device such as a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. The device sets up a Wi-Fi Access Point which provides access to logged data and configuration parameters. The Pro version adds a powerful set of features centered around the capability to act both as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and a Wi-Fi device with Internet connectivity. The Max version has all the capabilities of the Pro version, enhanced with 16 GB internal memory available as a USB Hi-speed flash drive (480 Mbps).

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module

The SerialGhost RS-485 Module is an RS-485 recorder module, that can be accessed as a USB flash drive. The USB flash drive stores both the log file, as well as a configuration file. The TimeKeeper version adds a built-in time-stamping module with a battery for maintaining the correct time without power.

SerialGhost RS-485 Module


  • Enregistre la transmission série asynchrone (compatible avec RS-485)
  • Works with data signaling levels from +/-5V up
  • 16 gigaoctets de mémoire interne (industrial grade)
  • Modular form-factor with terminal block connectors
  • Dual power: +5V (USB) or +9V...+24V DC (terminal connector)
  • Integrated step-down switching power supply
  • Prise latérale USB-B d'alimentation (5V DC)
  • USB cable included
  • Ne requiert aucun logiciel ni pilote, compatible avec les systèmes d'exploitation Windows, Linux et Mac

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module:

  • Vitesse de transmission jusqu'à 115200 bps
  • Fonctionne comme Hotspot Wi-Fi (Access Point)
  • Connexion possible à travers l'ordinateur, smartphone ou tablet
  • Accès aux données enregistrées directement du navigateur, ne nécessite aucune application ou drivers
  • Possibilité de télécharger toutes les données sans toucher le périphérique
  • Interface WWW pure et claire
  • Desservit les modes de chiffrement WEP, WPA et WPA-2

SerialGhost RS-485 Module:

  • Vitesse de transmission jusqu'à 230400 bps
  • Mode clé USB
  • Mode COM virtuel

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro/Max:

  • Fonctionne comme hotspot Wi-Fi (Access Point) ou comme le périphérique Wi-Fi
  • Rapports automatiques par E-mail avec le texte capturé du clavier
  • Desservit l'enregistrement de l'heure et de la date
  • Supports live data streaming over network

SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper:

  • Horodatage
  • Batterie incorporée

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max:

  • Accès à la mémoire au Mode Clé USB avec la vitesse 480 Mbps (accessoire USB Hi-speed)

Product family overview - AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module

  AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max
Mémoire intégrée 16 Go
(industrial grade)
16 Go
(industrial grade)
16 Go
(industrial grade)
Wi-Fi Access Point
Retrieve data remotely
Téléchargement des fichiers journaux
Wi-Fi Device -
Horodatage -
Envoi de rapports par E-mail -
Live data streaming -
Mode clé USB - -
Dimensions 72 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
(2.8" x 0.6" x 0.6")
72 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
(2.8" x 0.6" x 0.6")
72 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
(2.8" x 0.6" x 0.6")
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module

$104.99 / €95.99

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro

$119.99 / €109.99

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max

$127.99 / €116.99

Product family overview - SerialGhost RS-485 Module

  SerialGhost RS-485 Module SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper
Mémoire intégrée 16 Go
(industrial grade)
16 Go
(industrial grade)
Mode clé USB
Mode COM virtuel
Horodatage -
Built-in RTC + battery -
Dimensions 72 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
(2.8" x 0.6" x 0.6")
72 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
(2.8" x 0.6" x 0.6")
SerialGhost RS-485 Module
SerialGhost RS-485 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99


  • Enregistrement de données provenant des périphériques tels qu'imprimantes, terminaux, claviers, souris, lecteurs de cartes
  • Rétroingénierie (reverse-engineering) de protocoles d'échange de données
  • Sauvegarde de données importantes provenant des périphériques tels que POS (Point de vente), lecteurs de codes-barres, lecteurs de cartes
  • Enregistrement de données provenant de capteurs de température, de pression, de tension etc.

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module

Data logging made simple

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - Data logging made simple

The AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module is a compact asynchronous serial logger, capable of recording RS-485 data streams from devices like printers, terminals, keyboards, mice, barcode scanners etc. Connect the device either to a single serial source, or in-line on a serial bus. Connect 5V DC power using the side USB-B connector. The AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module will immediately start logging all data available on the bus, both upstream and downstream (RX and TX). No software or drivers are required.

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - Data logging made simple

Easy access

All AirDrive devices act as Wi-Fi hotspots. You can connect to them with any Wi-Fi device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop without even touching the device! The AirDrive device will then present a webpage with the data log and configuration options. No additional software or drivers necessary.

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - Easy access
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - Quick configuration

Quick configuration

Configuring the AirDrive Serial Logger is quick and simple. The only parameters that need to be set are the serial bus characteristics, such as the baudrate, bit count, parity and stop bits. This can be done in less than a minute through the configuration webpage.

The Pro version advantage

The Pro version adds a powerful set of features centered around the capability to act both as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and a Wi-Fi device with Internet connectivity. This unleashes a broad set of options, such as email reporting, time-stamping, and live data streaming.

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - The Pro version advantage
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module - The Max version advantage

The Max version advantage

The Max version has all the capabilities of the Pro version, enhanced with 16 GB internal memory available as a USB Hi-speed flash drive (480 Mbps). For a serial device, this essentially means unlimited data storage, accessible both remotely and locally over USB.

SerialGhost RS-485 Module

Comment ça marche ?

SerialGhost RS-485 Module - Comment ça marche ?

SerialGhost RS-485 Module est un enregistreur de frappe de bus série asynchrone compact qui permet d'enregistrer des flux de données RS-485 provenant des périphériques tels qu'imprimantes, terminaux, claviers, souris, lecteurs de codes-barres etc. Il suffit de connecter SerialGhost RS-485 Module au bus série. Si un port USB est disponible, on peut alimenter l'appareil à partir de USB. Sinon, on peut utiliser le câble fourni pour raccorder une source d'alimentation de +9V...+24V. SerialGhost RS-232 Module se mettra automatiquement à capter et à enregistrer toutes les données. Ne requiert aucun pilote ni logiciel.

SerialGhost RS-485 Module - Comment ça marche ?

Easy access

To view the recorded data, the SerialGhost Module may be switched to flash drive mode. Connect to a computer using a USB-B cable, apply ground to input MODE, and the SerialGhost will pop up as a removable drive, containing a file with logged data. The flash drive may also be used to configure the device, such as baudrate, parity bits, start/stop bits, etc.

Multiple modes

The SerialGhost family is packed with features, such as the capability to act as a USB removable flash drive, or USB Virtual COM port. In flash drive mode, a log file is available with all acquired data. Virtual COM port mode can be used to live-stream the captured data, or to communicate with the device using a proprietary command set.

SerialGhost RS-485 Module - Horodatage


The built-in real-time clock will keep track of the time and date independent if the computer is turned on or not. This is possible thanks to the internal battery, with a guaranteed lifetime of over 10 years. Time and date stamps with millisecond granularity will get inserted in the log file while the logger is capturing data.

No devices available, please change criteria
AirDrive Serial Logger
AirDrive Serial Logger

$104.99 / €95.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Module
AirDrive Serial Logger Module

$104.99 / €95.99

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module

$104.99 / €95.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Pro
AirDrive Serial Logger Pro

$119.99 / €109.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Module Pro
AirDrive Serial Logger Module Pro

$119.99 / €109.99

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro

$119.99 / €109.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Max
AirDrive Serial Logger Max

$127.99 / €116.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Module Max
AirDrive Serial Logger Module Max

$127.99 / €116.99

AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max

$127.99 / €116.99

AirDrive RS-232 Recorder
AirDrive RS-232 Recorder

$82.99 / €75.99

AirDrive RS-232 Recorder TS
AirDrive RS-232 Recorder TS

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost DB-9
SerialGhost DB-9

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost RS-232 Module
SerialGhost RS-232 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost RS-485 Module
SerialGhost RS-485 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9
SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99

MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet

$198.99 / €180.99

MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet PoE
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet PoE

$278.99 / €253.99

MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet Max
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet Max

$223.99 / €203.99

MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial

$198.99 / €180.99

MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE

$278.99 / €253.99


AirDrive Serial Logger - Getting Started

AirDrive Serial Logger - Basic Settings

AirDrive Serial Logger Pro/Max - Email Reporting with Gmail

AirDrive Serial Logger Pro/Max - Live Data Streaming

SerialGhost - Getting Started

SerialGhost - Basic Settings

SerialGhost TimeKeeper - Horodatage

Barcode Reader and Keyboard Cloud Services