Full integration

Embedding the KeyGrabber Module inside a PS/2 or USB keyboard is a one-time process and has to be done by the user. Data typed on this keyboard will be logged by the module whenever the keyboard is powered. This keyboard must be used to retrieve data afterwards. An quick installation instruction follows, however please refer to the User's Guide for more details.

It is the users responsibility for connecting the KeyGrabber Module correctly.

We do not take any responsibility for the following events:

  • damage to the KeyGrabber Module, keyboard, or computer caused by incorrect installation or misuse
  • loss of warranty for the keyboard or computer
  • any other damage or harm caused by not following the installation instructions
  • failure of installation by user

Please note, that the instructions and images below are only an example. The internal keyboard component and cable layout may vary for different keyboard producers. Especially, make sure there is enough space inside the keyboard for the KeyGrabber Module.

KeyGrabber Module

Block scheme

The KeyGrabber Module has to be located between the keyboard controller (inside the keyboard) and the keyboard PS/2 or USB cable. This requires cutting the four main PS/2 wires (VCC, GND, CLK, DATA) or USB wires (VCC, GND, D+, D-) and connecting them to the KeyGrabber Module from both sides. Some keyboards also have two additional unused wires (NC) and shielding, which should be left in their original state.

Before installation

Hardware keylogger - Before installation

After installation

Hardware keylogger - After installation

Get prepared

Parts supplied with the KeyGrabber Module:

  • 1x circuit miniboard
  • 2x 4 pin 0.1" connector
Hardware keylogger - components

Tools needed (not supplied):

  • short-circuit tester or ohmmeter(present in most multimeters)
  • pliers or crimp tool
  • glue or resin
  • screwdriver
Hardware keylogger - components

The standard PS/2 and USB keyboard is connected with the computer using 2 power lines, and 2 signal lines. The KeyGrabber Module has to be inserted on these signals between the PC and keyboard. In some cases two additional unused lines and a shielding is present (you don't have to worry about these).

PS/2 keyboard

Signal Description PS/2 pin Comments
VCC +5V power 4 must be connected to module
GND Power ground 3
CLK Clock 5
DATA Data 1
NC Unused lines 2, 6 not used by module if present, leave in original state
SHLD Shield -

USB keyboard

Signal Description USB pin Comments
VCC +5V power 1 must be connected to module
D- Data 2
D+ Data 3
GND Power ground 4
SHLD Shield - not used by module if present, leave in original state

Identify your keyboard

Disconnect the keyboard from the computer, unscrew the screws, and open it. You should see the keyboard cable connected to the keyboard controller.

Keyboard controller and cable

The first thing to do is identify the connector at the keyboard controller. Use the short-circuit tester to determine which wires are connected to the pins at the keyboard PS/2 or USB plug. An example is shown on the picture below. Note, that only the pins at the PS/2 or USB plug are known. The pins inside the keyboard are unknown, and must be examined with the short-circuit tester.

Keyboard controller pinout

Note down the cable configuration, identifying the wires by their colors. You can ignore the NC lines and the shielding. Only the four main signals are important.

Prepare the connectors

Find a spot for mounting the KeyGrabber Module inside the keyboard. Then, cut through the four main signal wires in a way which will allow connecting to the module from both sides. It may be necessary to peel the cable coating, like in the picture below. If the shielding and NC lines are present, there is no need to cut them.

Cut the cable wires

Prepare the wire tips. Crimp the provided connector sockets over the wire tips with your pliers or crimp tool.

Prepare the wire tips

Finally, assemble the black connectors, inserting the sockets into the casing. The connector pinout must match the module pinout on both sides. An example KeyGrabber Module is shown on the picture below.

KeyGrabber USB Module

⇐ Computer      KeyGrabber USB Module      Keyboard ⇒

KeyGrabber PS/2 Module

⇐ Computer      KeyGrabber PS/2 Module      Keyboard ⇒

Put it together

Assemble the connectors

Double check that the module pins match the PS/2 or USB connector pins and the keyboard controller pins. Make sure you didn't confuse the connectors (the KeyGrabber Module is flipped or upside-down). You can use the circuit tester again. If the pins are connected wrong, the keyboard, KeyGrabber Module, and PC might get damaged! If you are certain everything is OK, connect the KeyGrabber Module to both connectors. Remember to connect the PC side to the keyboard cable, and the keyboard side to the keyboard controller. If uncertain, refer to the User's Guide.

Connect the module

Finally, locate the KeyGrabber Module in its place. It is a good idea to glue the module and cables to the keyboard casing. After the module and cables are mounted, reassemble the keyboard. A good idea is the check the GND and VCC pins on the PS/2 or USB connector after the keyboard is assembled. If there is a short circuit, all connections must be rechecked!

Place the modules and cables

Important note: this product has become obsolete and is no longer in sales.

The following products are currently sold successors:
AirDrive Forensic Keylogger Module, KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger Module

Please contact us in case of questions.